7 Ways You Should Invest Your Money: Instead Of Saving
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There are several platforms we can invest or money instead of just saving it. Saving is a kind of investment but without return. investment is saving with an expectancy with returns on your money which gives more value to what you invested in.
There are seven different categories listed below that you can invest in:
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Shares and Stock
Mutual funds
U.S saving bonds and corporate funds
Real estate
Assets: Houses are great investment especially for children. Once you have a house you avoid everything about paying rent which makes your life more comfortable than ever.
Shares and Stock: shares are a great source of investment, shares help a lot.
For example, see your self buying Facebook shares for 10 dollars and reselling for sixty dollars that’s you gained fifty dollars extra.
This is what investing in shares can do. You make money in shares over time.
7 Places You Should Invest Your Money Instead Of Saving
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Education: Yes, I know you wouldn’t be expecting this but there are people making money and investing from what they studied in the university.
It all depends on how the life situation is going for you. So one of the best ways to invest is to invest in your education
Gold: When I hear people talking about Gold, then I would be like why save your money to invest in an earring but gold is Gold.
It has its market structure that you keep monitoring so when it’s above the price you bought it, you can sell to make your money.
If you need money at that period, you can sell it to get your money back. The inflation of price for Gold is based on scarcity.
Mutual funds: This is done by a money manager for you which he or she helps you to distribute your money across various platforms.
Platforms like bonds, stock, shares for investment. So all you have to do is wait for your interest from bonds and returns from shares.
Bonds: Bonds are money lending issues. It’s just like lending your money to a company to help it grow.
For bonds, you receive interest which you can not depend on for retirement or full-time income as a student. While for shares your receive returns.
U.S saving bonds and corporate funds
The U.S saving bonds are one of the most recommended bonds to invest in because they are reliable.
Real estate: Real estates Yay!!! Yes, this is one of the coolest ways to make money but you just have to study how the market works.
See how you make money; you buy a house now for maybe 500 dollars and in the next five years you sell for 2000 dollars. It’s just an example, please.
You can start this by working with an expert or an agent or anyone who has experience in real estate.
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