Exam||Reasons why you fail your Exam
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Exams come with a lot of stress and burden especially when you are not well prepared for it. In some cases, there might be life issues affecting your preparation for your exams. Reasons why you fail your exam
Let’s look at the common reasons why people fail exams;
Table of Contents
Your mindset.
Your mindset is one of the biggest reasons you fail exams because you move with people who have a negative attitude and belief systems towards studying.This has an influence on to. It is key to watch out for the kind of friends you have around. Also, avoid people that bring a negative attitude towards studying for your exams.
A bad reading habit.
I believe a bad reading habit has to do with you literally not prioritizing your reading. You save reading for the last and then you start sleeping at this point. You start searching the web why you fall asleep when reading. Exhaustion is one major reason why you fall asleep. So start prioritizing reading to improve your reading habit.
Too much engagement.
You may have been busy throughout the day with little time to read or rest,so you choose to rest. This can go on for months in a term or semester.Then two weeks to your exam you start panicking. You start asking yourself how do you start reading or where do you start reading from? You know you are a student and you also know your work load. So try and work with your class activities and reduce your extracurricular engagements to give you time for reading.
Some of us are always too tired to do stuffs or even read. We should watch out for this trait and save our selves the struggles of failing an exam.
Time management.
My best advice on time management for students is working with your class timetable and try to fit your extracurricular activities into it. Please, your extracurricular activities should fit into your time table and not the other way round. Not properly structured time management is one of the reasons why we fail Exams.
Always moving our reading time to a later time is procrastination and this is one of the major reasons why we fail our exams. We have to imbibe the “do it now” attitude towards our books to overcome this.
From my experience, at the early stages of reading you get easily distracted.This is because you are still trying to get the concept of what you are reading. So at this stage you should avoid being distracted when preparing for your exams. And if this isn’t sorted on time,it can snowball into failures.
Low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem can play a significant part in your exam because our views of life and approach to solving problems hinges on how we feel inside and our perspective of things. Words like “I can’t go above this grade or I can’t compete with the best are derogatory and should be avoided. Note, it’s normal to be afraid.So overcome this fear by preparing and as you continue on it, your confidence wil increase.This will reflect in your overall performance.
Reasons why you fail your Exam
How to read for your Exam
How to get good grades after writing your Exam
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