The France–South Africa Scholarship Programme Fully Funded 2023/2024 for Southern Africans to study in France

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Are you ready to unlock the world of opportunities you cannot reach in your education due to financial constraints? The France–South Africa Scholarship Programme Fully Funded will help you achieve this.

We all know that the competition is very high to secure these scholarships. This is another opportunity for you to try.

Click this link to read this article to apply for the DAAD Masters Programme Helmut-Schmidt.

In this article, we go through the details you need to know about this scholarship.

About France–South Africa Scholarship Programme

France South Africa Scholarship students who wish to pursue a Master’s or PhD degree in France or other institutions of higher learning are encouraged to apply to France – South Africa Scholarship Programme.

To be Eligible for the France–South Africa Scholarship Programme, you need to be:

  • Born on or after 1st January 1994.
    A citizen of South Africa, Lesotho or Malawi.
    Enrolled in a French Higher Education institution (in due time) to pursue a Master’s degree or PhD.
  • The scholarship is granted for a given period to be spent in France, matching the necessary time required to obtain the degree:
  • For a Master’s degree, the scholarship will be granted for a duration between 10 and 22 months. Master’s degree programmes are two years long.
  • In some specific cases (Bachelor’s degree with Honours, for example), students may consider applying directly to M2 (second year of the Master’s Programme). Only the hosting higher education institution is responsible for the admission. At the end of the first academic year, the Embassy of France will verify the success of the student to continue her/his studies in the second year of the Master’s programme.
  • For PhDs, the scholarship will be granted for a maximum duration of 3 years. However, at the end of each academic year, in order to get the renewal of his/her grant, the recipient will have to justify the progress of their research work.
    In the case of a PhD under co-supervision/cotutelle, periods of stay in France should be specified in a timeline. The scholarship will only be granted for the periods spent in France.
  • For PhD and Master’s Degrees, if the curriculum requires coursework which will take place outside of France, then applicants must specify all the details and his/her intentions, during the application process.

When is the Deadline for the France–South Africa Scholarship Programme?

16 October 2023 at 23:59 SA time

What Kind of Scholarship Program is this?

A full scholarship from the Embassy of France.


To Apply?

Click here to apply for France–South Africa Scholarship Programme. please go through the instructions on the page, read carefully to understand the details and apply.


Will you be awarded the Scholarship if you Apply for it?

Submitting an application for a scholarship does not guarantee one’s acceptance into the programme. In order to be granted a scholarship, one must first fulfil the requisite conditions. Prior to finalising your application, it is essential that you carefully look at all the necessary documentation. Do not neglect the necessary task of submitting your application, for each opportunity that you miss represents a missed prospect, forever gone. Please proceed with your application.

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