5 Ways To Save Money This Christmas
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What’s all the noise about spending so much money for Christmas and why do we do this affecting ourselves and family. Christmas is important so is our mental health, please. we shouldn’t get into depression because of money issues, money would always come and go but our lives won’t come and go.
I have ways we can save money in joy without feeling guilty of not spending the money
Read more on: Celebrating Christmas on a budget
Talk to family and friends
You want to save money and you have a goal in mind, but it is this festive season you have family and friends that need to be taken care of by you.
Or you need to go out with friends and there are certain things you need to provide, the most important one is money.
What you do at this stage is you talk to them about your goal, you are tired of living in debts so you let them know what you want.
And make them realise you would do those things with them when you are financially stable. Please I would advise you only explain your financial status issues to only close family and friends.
Be open about your financial status to family and friends
5 ways to save money this Christmas
Shop on discount codes and Buy product on sale
This is one of my best too because I do this a lot. Nobody is going to beat you. Please be able to shop on discount on your terms.
Shopping on discount is for everyone so if you see any product on sale please do buy it if you need it. This is one of the best ways to avoid unnecessary spending during the x-mas season.
Avoid all things influencing
All ye influencer lovers. This period you have to leave all your fashion influencers or any category of influencers alone. Why? Because they would tell you to buy a lot of things without you knowing.
This is a very important season and also an important one for your finances too. Please stay away from your influencers this period.
Note: they don’t force you into buying the products they are advertising but because of the good records of products you have gotten because of them or the reviews you see so you would say since you have the money which is meant for saving, you should use it to buy the product your influencer advertising.
please stay away from that thought and focus on your savings. Thank you.
Advertising this season would be great please stay away from advertising to avoid spending unnecessarily.
But you can’t possibly stay completely away because there are different means of advertising. Just be disciplined with your money.
Share love
Yay!! Please share love, you don’t have to spend money but you have something precious to give which is love. Please do share love for everyone around you including yourself.
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